Want to Support Us?
We are a registered non-profit organization working to transform Canadian cities into more equitable, enjoyable, and sustainable places for everyone.
Why Donate?
We are a not-for-profit organization that relies on donations and memberships to support our operations.
Donations help our volunteer team pay for things like our website, campaign tools, software, public events, monthly newsletters, member benefits, and much more.
All funds directly support our mission to inspire and mobilize women-led transformation in Canadian cities.
Can I get a Charitable Tax Receipt?
Only Canadian registered charities or other qualified donees may issue official donation receipts that qualify for charitable tax receipts. We are a registered non-profit organization without charitable status, and can therefore not issue an official charitable tax receipt for your donation.
Donate Today!
Every donation - big or small - goes a long way for our work. Thank you for your support.